The Third-Party Funding

Online Observatory

The Third Party Funding Online Observatory (the “TPF Observatory”) is an online repository and research resource established to systematically study and keep track of the rapid development of third party funding in international arbitration and litigation.

The TPF Observatory aims to provide a permanent and constantly updated database and repository for various parties interested in third party funding, and to stay on the cutting edge of the rapidly evolving landscape of third party funding in all of its practical, commercial, academic and policy aspects.

This website aims to be the leading website for comprehensive and up-to-date information relating to third party funding for all interested parties, including users (commercial parties), providers (funders), academics, practitioners, government bodies, and others.

The TPF Observatory is an initiative of the ICCA-Queen Mary Task Force on Third Party Funding, and is supported by the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) and the Queen Mary University of London

News & Events

Up-to-date news, developments, and events relating to third party funding:

12 April 2017 - Beta version of the Third-Party Funding Observatory released

12 April 2017, Washington DC, USA - The key findings of the ICCA-Queen Mary Task Force will be presented at the 14th Annual ITA-ASIL Conference on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration. The presentation will be moderated by Ruth Teitelbaum with panelists Maddi Azpiroz, Steve Jones and Professor Maya Steinitz. Click here to find out more information and to register for the conference.


The ICCA / QMUL Task Force
on Third-Party Funding

The Third-Party Funding Taskforce will systematically study and make recommendations regarding the procedures, ethics, and related policy issues relating to third-party funding in international arbitration. The Task Force is comprised of representatives drawn from among all relevant stakeholders and interested members of ICCA. Its work will be presented in a series of White Papers and a number of public colloquia to be hosted at Queen Mary’s Centre for Commercial Law Studies, London.

Reports of the Task Force

The Industry of
Third-Party Funders & Others

Here you may find information and contact details related to third-party funders, third-party funding brokers, associations of third-party funding, and other usefull information.



Here you may find existing bibliography related to Third-Party Funding, including

- cases

- articles

- blog posts

and MORE

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